Autoren: Rosenfeld, M.T.W., Alecke, B., Franz, P., Heimpold, G., Kilper, H., Kunkel, K., Untiedt, G., Zillmer, S. (2007)
Hrsg.: Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle: IWH-Sonderheft 2
ISBN: 978-3-930963-9
Following to the constitutional principle of interregional solidarity („Gleichwertigkeit der Lebensverhältnisse“), Germany attaches great importance to the support of economically less successful regions, also with the help of measures on the federal level of government. These interregional support measures range from the general allocation of competences via federal departmental policies to public finance regulations. Some of these measures have been called into question recently. In view of globalization and persistently slow overall economic growth, the debate has centered around the issue whether also and especially regions that are economically successful today require more attention from the federal level of government. Hence, the question arises what effects current interregional support policy measures have and whether a paradigm shift in the regional allocation of funds was possible.
The study concentrates on three interregional support systems which are particularly clear examples of intervention by the federal government and wealthier Länder in favor of economically less successful Länder and regions: the joint federal/state government program „Improvement of Regional Economic Structures“ (GRW – Gemeinschaftsaufgabe „Verbesserung der Regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur“), interstate horizontal fiscal equalization between the Länder (LFA – „Länderfinanzausgleich’) and active labor market policy (AAMP – „Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik“). The study also takes a look at a further element of federalism, namely current Länder borders. The purpose of the study is firstly, to test the mentioned elements for their effects on the receiving and donor regions, and secondly, to offer suggestions for a possible reorientation of regional policy in the context of the potentially conflicting goals of growth and interregional support policy.